Events Industry Council News

CMP-IS and CMP Exam Update: Frequently Asked Questions


Updated 14 March 2025

EIC team members recently held office hours to discuss the updated CMP International Standards and Beta Exam.

What are the CMP International Standards and how do they inform the CMP Exam?

The CMP International Standards (CMP-IS) is the body of knowledge that forms the foundation of the Certified Meeting Professional programme and exam. The Standards define and categorise the skills, competencies and abilities an individual needs to be successful. View the updated Standards.

How often are the CMP International Standards updated?

The CMP International Standards are typically updated every 3-5 years to ensure they maintain relevance.

Have the domains changed?

While the core of the CMP International Standards is the same, a few new domains have been added. Here is the breakdown:

CMP table

I’ve been studying for the current exam. Can I still take it?

The current exam will close on 31 March 2025. On 1 April 2025, A Beta Exam will begin being offered and will run through the end of May. You may express interest in taking the Beta exam by completing this form. 

When will the new exam be available?

The updated CMP exam, which will reflect the content of the updated CMP International Standards, will be available in August 2025. You may take the current test through 31 March 2025. On 1 April 2025, we will begin offering a Beta Exam, which will be open for two months based on accreditation industry best practices.

What is the Beta Exam?

The Beta Exam is the updated exam based on the 2025 CMP-International Standards. Participants in the Beta help determine what accounts for a passing score on the updated exam.

Why should I take the Beta Exam?

You will be part of a group helping to shape the future of our industry and setting the bar for aspiring CMPs. You will also receive discounted fees and complementary access to the EIC Manual, 9th Edition and the Sustainable Event Professional Certificate programme.

If I pass the Beta Exam, will I be a CMP?

Yes, you will have the same CMP designation as those taking the non-Beta Exam.

What is the cost of the Beta?

Application fee: $350 USD

Exam fee: $525 USD $100 USD discounted for Beta

EIC Manual $99 USD Complementary for Beta participants

Sustainable Event Professional Certificate $495 USD Complementary for Beta participants

Total cost: $450 USD

Total discount: $1,040 USD

What are the dates of the Beta Exam?

The Beta Exam will be offered 1 April through 30 May 2025.

I registered and paid full-price for my CMP Exam, but am now planning to take the CMP Beta. Can I get a refund?

Yes, you will get a refund after you sit for the Beta Exam.

How do I participate in the Beta Exam?

You can express your interest in the CMP Beta Exam using the form found here. You will also need to complete the online application and pay the application fee. Once you are approved, you will be sent detailed instructions for registering for the exam.

How do I qualify for the Beta Exam?

Once you complete the initial application for the CMP Programme and have been approved, you will qualify for the option to schedule your exam during the Beta period or wait until the final new exam is released in August.

What should I use to study for the Beta exam?

The following resources were used to build the bank of items for the Beta exam:

All participants in the Beta exam will be given links to these study materials.

What are the black-out dates?

After the Beta Exam closes at the end of May 2025, there will be a two-month black-out period (June and July 2025). No exams will be offered during the black-out period. Testing will resume on 1 August 2025.

If I take the Beta Exam, when will I get my results?

Results of the Beta Exam will be delivered in July 2025.

What if I don’t pass the Beta Exam?

If you do not pass the Beta Exam, you will be given 90 days to take the new exam after it opens in August 2025. We will honour the rates of the Beta when you retake the test.

Will the information/materials from the study prep class that I paid for still be relevant?

Materials and study groups for the old exam are still relevant to the new exam, but you will also need to study some of the new materials that may not have been covered by an older course.

Are the study groups that are available now teaching from the new materials?

We will be working with our preferred providers and known study groups to help them update their curriculum to cover additions to the exam.

Will the new exam be entirely different or will it be similar to the old exam with additional items?

It will be similar to the old exam with new items added.

Will the timing limits change?

No, the time allocations for the exam will stay the same.

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